Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The search for a P&S

Today I got lost in a HSZ looking for a place to eat and almost got shot by an Army personal…
Army Aiya - Kohe da yanne? Identiya denna… (Where are you going? Give your Identity Card)
Me- *Trying my best not to look lost while searching for my NIC among all the junk I keep in my wallet.* Errrm…. Me hariye Perera & sons ekak thiyenawa da? (Is there a Perera & sons nearby?)
Army Aiya- Mokak? Malli me Paren yanne Araliya Gaha Mandiraya ta. Anna athana num perera & sons ekak da mokak da thiyenawa. (What? Brother this road leads to the temple trees. There’s a Perera & sons over there.)
Me- oh… thank you.. =|

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Road Runner Cut

Had my first experience about the cost-of-living in Colombo when I was charged 700/= for a simple hair cut. OK, I have spent more than that on my hair. But this was a simple school boy cut. And she didn’t even do a good job. Now I look like the effing Road Runner. And I hate the Bastard. I wish when Wile E. Coyote finally trap the sonofabitch he would torture him (maybe by making him watch that cartoon over & over again the way ART TV used to torture us) before eating him. Hmmm.... wonder what Road Runner meat tastes like...

Friday, December 18, 2009

The New Me...

Yaeeeeee... a new Blog. I'm so happy. I will blog everyday.
This will be my online diary. I will make loads of new friends. I will tell all my secrets to the world. I will even have unprotected sex with it.... =|